Center for Girls' activists, Mina and Mila, conducted five workshops on the topic of human trafficking in Niš high schools, as well as at the Feminist-Activist Camp, as a part of the activities of Anti-Trafficking Network, and on that occasion educated their peers.
Through the project "Improved social cohesion in Niš and Southern Serbia through reducing the risk of human trafficking and increasing the resilience of street children", the Center for Girls is supported by EU Pro Plus.
Center for Girls signed a contract with UN WOMEN on the occasion of the approved project called "SAFE - Empowered girls and women to feel safer in public spaces in Niš" within the grant scheme "Support to Local Initiatives to Prevent and Improve Response to VAWG in Public Spaces".
Activists of the Center for Girls in Niš held a street action on the occasion of the femicide that happened in Vršac, when a father killed his 3 years old daughter, drowning her in a bucket of water, after the Center for Social Work allowed him to see the child, even though the girl's mother reported domestic violence several times in the past.
Over two thousand people saw the street action of the Center for Girls, held on the occasion of the European Day against Human Trafficking.